Specialization of the firm
The Firm's philosophy is to provide a first-rate legal service to the business community tailored to the needs of each individual client. Cooperation with clients is based on a long-term relationship with mutual trust and loyalty.

Every client matter is dealt with, or overseen by a senior lawyer and every client has access to the senior lawyer in charge at all times. We stay in contact with the client giving him information with regards to the development of matters on a regular basis (a written report is sent at the end of each month by e-mail/fax). If required, we can present reports in person.

The advantageous central geographical location of Torun allows co-operation with clients located in other regions of Poland.

The experience and expertise of our lawyers and location of offices (we have an office in the centre of Torun and an auxiliary office in Warsaw, close to the courts of justice) enables us to provide a first-rate, efficient and prompt legal service to our clients. We maintain contact with lawyers in other cities in Poland as well as in the United Kingdom, Germany, the Ukraine, India and the United Arab Emirates which helps us to support our clients in these regions also.

We provide services in Polish, English and German.
In accordance with the requirements of Polish law, our lawyers maintain third party liability insurance.

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